• Image Atelier Crespin
  • Elias Crespin 4Net 2011
  • Image Atelier Crespin
Exhibition views ©Sicardi Ayers Bacino Gallery

Sicardi Ayers Bacino gallery presents a new exhibition of Elias Crespin’s work, Tempomorphosis.

The work of Elias Crespin invites us to enjoy a cosmic reverie, for he has always been fascinated by the cosmos, by the grandeur and the organization of the universe. The spatial movements of his electro-kinetic sculptures, defying the laws of gravity and equilibrium, going from order to chaos, suggest the first state of the universe, the genesis of the world and of forms. When one sees these hypnotic works and their slow and unpredictable movements, one feels a suspension of time in which wonder mingles with contemplation. Modifying our gaze and perceptions, Elias Crespin‘s mobiles enlarge our field of vision, leave room for the imagination, and put us in touch with other worlds.”
Domitille d’Orgeval, exhibition text

The sculptures Circuconcéntricos Alu Noir 100, 2023, Elipsis Aluminium, 2022, Trianguconcéntricos Laiton 1/3, 2021, La Danza de las Catenarias, 2019, Tetralineados Transparente 63, 2016 and 4Net Inox Quadra, 2013 are on display.


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